Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ramadhan Day 8


Alhamdulillaah, it was another successful fasting day for Hajar. A sunny, beautiful Satuday.Today she did not complained of hunger or thirst at all! and yes, despite of all the temptations from her brother and sister eating and drinking throughout the day.

Hajar was supposed to go to an exam for darjah 1 entrance today, but we decided that we were not going.  Hajar is going to a public school inshaAllaah. we pray that this decision is the best for us, ameen.

abah left for a talk at UIA PJ slightly before noon and only reached home during iftar walHamdulillaah. his schedule is a bit tight this ramadhan since he decided to offer free programs during ramadhan.

anak-anak were happy to transform the house into tongkang pecah, and yeah, they had the whole day to do that.uhuhuhu.

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