We went out just before Isyak time to dine out. As we drove by the surau, azan tengah berkumandang,so we decided to make a stop at surau Taman Tenaga(as we called it) to perform Isyak in Jemaah. MashaAllaah, there has always been lots of people attended congregational prayer at that particular surau. Locals and foreigners alike. The very meriah and happening!
Tonight, we saw lots of children and foods outside the surau. "They were going to have jamuan afterwards,kot' I told myself as I went to take wudhu. Initially Sarah was with abah and kakak, then a kind makcik hold her to give me the chance to join the congregational prayer,alHamdulillaah.may Allah reward her with goodness and bless her.
After solah, I quickly went outside to get Sarah as not to burden the kind makcik and I was worried that Sarah might cried. Alhamdulillah Sarah was happy and kakak n abang were enjoying kuih apam and teh tarik.woho.
We were told that the surau usually held makan2 every Friday night and the makcik kindly invited us to makan2 sekali. Initially, we were segan nak makan2 sebab tetiba muncul terus nak makan2. Was about to leave when suddenly it started to rain heavily.alhamdulillaah,barakah from Allaah. it's been days of hot weather and tonight the rain poured, we had to wait until it was ok to walk to the car that was parked across the street. while waiting, we had some pulut kuning, apam, and teh tarik. bila Allah nak bagi rezeki, tak dirancang, kan dapat jua. jadinyer, kami makan di surau saje.elok jer habis makan,hujan pun berhenti.kami tak jadi makan luar dan terus pulang :)
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