Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Ramadhan Day 11


Entering the second phase of ramadhan, and started to suffer from the energy dip :( got tired easily,sleepy all the time,etc.uhuhu..have to fight nafsi harder these coming days.

Alhamdulillaah,today was a great day although the haze came back. It was gloomy the whole day. At first i thoght it was mendung nak hujan, but jerebu datang lagi! Rerupanya walHamdulillaah ala kulli haal.

Hajar dan Adam enthusiastically went to tadika as usual,but Maryam refused to go and wanted to stay at home. So, Maryam was really nice today and she was indeed penghibur dan peneman ibu. Of course Sarah was enough to keep ibu busy, but having Maryam at home was entertaining too. Maryam dah pandai bercakap pasal banyak benda dan kekadang tu rasa dia sangat matured berbanding usianya yang baru 3 tahun.mashaAllaah.

The race is getting intense.buckle up and better be ready!

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