Thursday, February 13, 2014

#ProtectThisHouse continued


alHamdulillaah, with the mercy of Allaah azzawajall, ibu was able to attend the AlMaghrib class: Protect This House. I was very grateful to Allaah for the opportunity and the knowledge gained from this class. MashaAllaah, the knowledge learnt was priceless and crucial to be applied in our daily lives as a Muslim family. Ya Allaah, make this knowledge beneficial for us and guide us in teaching and applying it in our lives.Ameen.

#Acknowledge human nature/temptations such as music, opposite gender attractions etc. Don't deny them. Instead, refer and guide our children to the best actions of the prophets in dealing with such temptations. For example, Prophet Yusuf a.s with his fear of Allah when facing seductions from a woman: look away.

#Purification is when a person has the opportunity and ability of sinning, but s/he refrains himself/herself from it in consciousness of Allah.

# Raise a generation better than us: strong relationship of trust between children-parents must be there for a stabil and strong child.

# Present our children with our presence: "absent" father/parents was not heard of in the time of rasulullaah pbuh. In our time, the mothers are now 'the village':having to raise the children themselves without the help of the society. That is why fathers are very much needed to achieve a dynamic parenting and family.

#Successful parents focus on TARBIYYAH(educating), not ta'lim(teaching)
Parents should be the Murabbi(educator) who raise the murabba.

# Manage expectations

# Prepare the children, invest $$ on them

# teach the children to be independent: Independence is essential

# Be very careful with whom our children befriended: 'bad' kids are very well used to all the 'fun' and munkar, however, our children are not. Our children are more tempted to do and try all the new, unfamiliar munkar things and get attached to the munkar.

# ANYTHING that you(parents) like, the children LIKE it MORE

# Remind our children that parents only want the best for their children

# STRESS effects children negatively

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