Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Assalamua'laykum wa rahmatullaah

Saturday - AlHamdulillaah, we went to Taman Siantan, Seremban N9 to attend Ustaz Ariff (INFITAH)'s Eid open house. Alhamdulillaah the food and crowd were good. Saw familiar faces from the Akademi Sinergi team. Syurgawan were busy treating themselves with all the kuih, keropok, and cekidis. Adam was running all around with his newly met friends - all boys. It was cloudy on our way to N9 and it was raining heavily on our back: it was dark and cold + full stomach = sleepy walHamdulillaah. Luckily abah was all good to drive back to Bangi. We planned to attend another invitation at Masjid Negara later that afternoon, but with the pouring rain and heavy eyes, we canceled the plan. Yes, worried about the highway get flooded again and getting stuck on the road in a heavy traffic for several hours was a NO-NO(especially with all my syurgawan, including our lil Sarah, on board). So, we decided to not take the risk at all and just spend the evening at home.

Sunday - AlHamdulillaah, finally managed to visit Kak Zu and family after so long that I couldnt remember when was the last time we visited them. Syurgawan were all happy to meet their 'older twins.'

ok, tbc inshaAllaah.

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