Alhamdulillaah, Hajar and Adam went to Islamic Institute of Orange County!!! where Sheikh Muhammad ibn Faqih serves as the imaam. Abah went to the lecture, Hajar and Adam went to the nursery =)
MashaAllaah, the masjid is very beautiful, but the community is even more beautiful. Lots of people, friendly faces, and we've met a few Malaysians( we've met in an alMaghrib class and several Malaysian events before)
Hajar and Adam were very happy to meet many friends of their ages. They've made friends and got into the playing groups pretty fast, mashaAllaah. Ibu was quite impressed at the progress since at first, ibu was worrying they couldnt make friends easily due to staying at home exclusively =).
Alhamdulillaah, the decision to brave through Los Angeles' super busy freeways on a Friday night really well worth it.
Oh, and these are pictures from our trip to Islamic Center of SoCal, near downtown LA last week.(no pics from the IIOC trip yet)
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