Wednesday, October 04, 2006

sweetheart, ibu love you


when hajar's asleep, ibu'll sit in front of the computer writing some more notes in this diary =)

Alhamdulillah, this morning we went for hajar's monthly check up at the clinic. hajar woke up very early in the morning and ibu got her ready. she was very good today and behaved very nicely..alhamdulillah

so, hajar's now 7.5kg. she didnt gain much weight since the last month although for me she grows bigger-and her cheeks grow even more chubby everyday. as long as hajar is healthy, ibu'll be happy..inshaAllah.

this afternoon auntie mimi fed hajar with her baby food. just trying to feed hajar with additional food other than ibu's milk. hajar ate just few scoops and then refused to take some more. qaleelan qaleelan soro jabbalan =)

hajar's now sleeping soundly... while ibu have to wait for abah to come home.

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