Thursday, April 14, 2011


Adam on trying to soothe ibu,
"Ibu, makanlah kek pink ni. Sama dengan baju ibu(pakai) yang pink ni.Kek merah takde."

(Ibu was asking for that particular piece actually. I was referring to it as 'red', while Adam saw it as a pink cake LOL)

Hajar on Cik Adda visit this week:

"Ibu, Cik Adda bawak baju banyak-banyak kan."

(She was hoping for Cik Adda to stay longer and she was happy to see 'banyak baju.' Unfortunately, Cik Adda left very early the next morning, and Hajar was so puzzled when she realized Cik Adda has left).

Maryam sang this song when her brother and sister were taking nap:

"Kakak tiduu, abang tiduu, abah tiduu, Ibu tiduu.~"

(repeated many times while she played with 'musical instruments' comprised of senduk2 which she hit on the floor to rhyme with her song.Ibu recorded her song :))

We were talking about sending Maryam to the same tadika as Hajar and Adam's. Ibu told Hajar -jokingly- to ask her teacher if Maryam could be allowed into the tadika. Hajar answered," Why don't you give them(the tadika) a call and ask about that yourself?" uhuhu....anak ibu...

Friday, April 08, 2011


Being a mother is a real tough job, Alhamdulillaah. It challenges our mental, physical, intellectual, and spiritual abilities round the clock. Yes, it is a 24/7 job, yet billions of women willingly took this job, barakAllaahu fikunna, while many others are still waiting in the line.

Being a mother is indeed a great blessing. Even though it comes with true sacrifice and hardships, the joy of seeing our own beautiful little souls, from our own blood is beyond words.

In their eyes, we-mothers see sunshine in a gloomy day, we find happiness at the brink of tears, we find comfort at the moment of sorrow, and we find for our future and beyond, inshaAllaah.

However, the responsibility of a mother is numerous and crucial. One mistake can lead to a disaster, now and in the hereafter. Allaah has given mothers the opportunity to be mothers:to carry the child, to give birth to the child, to nurse the baby, to take care of the baby, to educate the child, to teach him, to love him, to guard him, to walk the way, to be very patient and loving, to educate herself, and to be at her very best at all times possible. Sounds easy but no one really knows how tricky and hard these tasks are except mothers.

So, mom, I love you very much beyond words, for the sake of Allaah for you have endured much more than I can imagine. Jazakumullaahu khayrun.