Alhamdulillaah, it has been 2 weeks since we welcomed Maryam to the family. A friend asked for her birth story, so here it is inshaAllaah.
The birth story is very short because Allaah have made the entire process easy, Alhamdulillaah.
Ibu did not remember when the contraction started since the first ones were very light and just like the regular contractions around the late stages of pregnancy. However, after Zuhr ibu noticed the contractions became regular, but they were like once in every hour. Ibu just ignored them since the EDD was still a week away.
After Asr, the contractions became stronger and closer. Ibu did not tell abah right away nor started to time the contractions, but packing things around the house instead ;). Around 600pm, ibu was pretty sure that labor was just around the corner, told abah about it, and searched the web for infor about 'when to go to the hospital' (ngeh :) ) to make sure it was the right time to go to the hospital (didn't want to wait for long in the Around 7pm, we got the kids ready and off we hit the road (Alhamdulillaah, earlier that day abah's friend lent his car to us. Muslims friends in LA are very great, mashaAllaah)
Alhamdulillaah, it was saturday and the traffic through the downtown LA was smooth. At 730pm we arrived at the hospital. We went to the 8th floor-maternity section, and registered at 737pm. ibu got into the check-up room and was already at 8cm, Alhamdulillaah. Ibu( and the nurse and the doc) were quite surprised myself, and thankful to Allaah of course! Just minutes earlier ibu were still walking from the parking lot and pushing Adam's stroller into the hospital. The nurse quickly transfered ibu to the labor room. Preparation was done quickly, the doctor broke ibu's water, they hooked me up to the monitor, put an IV(hurt so bad), and at 820pm Maryam came into the world, Alhamdulillaah.
During labor, abah, hajar, and Adam had to wait in the waiting room since kids were not allowed into the labor room. ALhamdulillaah they didnt have to wait for long for 'adik' :). After the nurse cleansed Maryam and clean up the room, my LOs were called into the now-clean-and-neat labor room to meet the new member of the family. Abah,hajar, and adam hang around until around 1030-1100pm before they left..only ibu & maryam stayed :(
Ibu & Maryam were in the hospital for two days(for normal VD) ALhamdulillaah everything was great and everyone was happy and healthy.