hajar has got lots and lots of pictures! she was very cute in the pictures. she appears even more adorable and sweet in front of the lense..ehehehe. i love my little darling so much. she often wake up in the middle of the night lately. she'll cry and ask ibu to endui her. ehehe...have to be patient in caring and loving my little girl. for my little darling, sweet hajar, i dont mind. i am just hoping she'll grow up healthy and happy in taqwa.
hi there, long time no see =)
hajar has just recovered from flu and cough..Alhamdulillah she was very strong and didnt get too 'cerewet.' Hajar tak demam altho her nose was runny and her throat was itchy.Alhamdulillah.I believe her first raya was wonderful with travelling from Bangi to Bidor and Penang. She got quite a few ringgit of duit raya. Thank you all. Ibu will open a bank account for Hajar soon InshaAllah. Believe it or not, Alhamdulillah, we didnt get caught in any bad traffic jam. Just a few slow moving moments here and there, but not too bad like hours of waiting and crawling for kilometres long. what more interesting was we got the chance to see a trailer with four anak gajah! i believe they were heading to thailand since the truck has thai's words on it. the truck was moving slowly and we watched the baby elephants puas-puas.
on last thursday, hajar got two more vaccine doses each on her left and right thigh. This time, alhamdulillah she just cried a little and got just fine afterwards. The injection left red marks on her thighs and one of them bleed a little. she didnt fall sick also. ibu was very thankful to Allah and was very happy for Hajar.
hajar didnt gain weight during the last month..maybe due to ibu was fasting? and the breastmilk was less and hajar didnt get to drink enough milk.poor hajar..ibu hope hajar was learning about fasting too and feel the difference in the month of Ramadhan, inshaAllah.
hajar is now 5 months and 1 week. she can sit on her own now! (altho she can't sit too long and will fall forward or sideways with her face down..ehehe..she looks so cute)
i am very grateful that i am blessed with Hajar and a wonderful marriage. I pray that Allah will shower us with the blessing of forgiveness, righteousness, happiness, health and piety. what more can I ask for?