Friday, September 29, 2006


it's a 'jerebu' day!..
at last the jerebu reaches penisular mesia after a stop at borneo
.it's a winday day too n i guess the wind carries the jerebu along with it..
alhamdulillah a'la kulli hal, it's still another day in ramadhan, n we muslims are fasting and doing ibadah..anywhere,anytime

hajar's not fasting though =)..she's still small lah! and it's not obligatory on her.
inshaAllah she'll learn about fasting n others when the time comes.
However, i hope she's listening to the quran recitation whenever somebody recites it to her.although she wont listen attentively and will start 'talking' ... i hope she'll benefit from it too.
who knows she'll be able to become a hafizah one day...

I pray to Allah thatHajar will become an excellent hafizah, Allahumma ameen

Fasting! yeay!
Ramadhan is more joyful this year as a wife and a mother
with hajar by my side (big smile=))

i was a lil bit worried 'bout hajar since she's still fully breast fed, but then i realize that i have to put the matter in the hands of Allah for He is the One Who provides, Alhamdulillah.

life isnt as simple as it is in a blog

Friday, September 08, 2006


hajar's a 'big' girl now. she weighs 7.2kg at the age of three mohts!

we've just got back from tok mak and tok pak's house. had a very good time there. hajar was soo happy and enjoyed her stay there. she's got pretty close to tok pak, whom i am pretty sure she misses so much already!

hajar has got another dose of injection. Alhamdulillah, she's okay and didnt fall sick after the injection. she's strong and healthy, biiznillah.i am proud of her...may Allah protect her now and forever

people said,'besarnya hajar!'
hehehe..i agree with them. she is so chubby, so adorable, and so cute!
she loves bubbling and smiling.

she knows how to grab her towel or her blanket already. she loves to bring them to her mouth and suckle the clothes.

she's no longer 'cengeng'. she'll only cry when she's hungry or uncomfortable.
i love my easy-baby.muuaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!